Thursday, October 17, 2013

Dieting with Garcinia Cambogia

While technological advancement has provided our present generation with more opportunity to lead sedentary lifestyles.  We have successfully eliminated the need to “hunt” or “gather” for sustenance, unfortunately, our appetite has significantly increased. There are more billboards and media ads from fast food chains than from restaurants that serve healthy – almost-home-cooked-meals.  No wonder we are getting heavier. 
According to global statistics, there is significant increase in the obese and overweight population even in third world countries.  In Australia, close to 40% of the adult population is dangerously overweight.  The medical community is constantly looking for ways to counter this sedentary lifestyle which the food industry and modern technology has helped influence.
Over the past years, several natural weight loss supplements has made its way to the limelight, thanks to medical shows, the internet and tv shopping.  One of the most effective and affordable natural weight loss supplements that were ever introduced is the Garcinia Cambogia Extract. It is an effective fat blocker and appetite suppressant.

Diet and Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia works with the body towards a healthier weight by inhibiting fat from accumulating even if your diet has high amounts of fats.  The process happens without side effects so you can continue with our daily routine.  This does not mean that you can eat all the fatty food you want.  What it lets you do is to allow your body to use up the fats that is already stored as a source of energy.  The more you use it up by exercising regularly.  Even a  low impact, low intensity work out will do wonders for your weight and general health.
The top contributing factor in weight continuous weight gain is in what we eat.  Lack of exercise is secondary.  So by suppressing fats from accumulating, any form of exercise will be effective.

Healthy Lifestyle by suppressing appetite
Most overweight people are also stressed with work and because they have no time to relax, they get comfort from food, and the most comforting food is usually high fat and energy packed. Garcinia Cambogia eliminates the need for these comfort foods by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. 

Side Effects and Contraindications

Clinical studies show that taking Garcinia Cambogia has no adverse side effects, but manufacturers do not recommend the supplement for pregnant women and people with diabetes.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weight Loss Tips That Might Just Work For You

We are all different. And just as we are all uniquely designed (even if we share the same anatomy), our bodies respond differently to every weight loss programs available.  The idea is to find that one weight loss or ‘stay healthy’ regimen that works specifically for us.  Here is a compilation of weight loss tips that might just work for you. 
1.       Be happy.  The reason why we gain weight is because we consume more calories than we can burn.  It is common for people to eat when they feel depressed or stressed. The idea is to manage stress and to address the depression. Incidentally, a weight loss supplement extracted from Garcinia Cambogia fruit, also called tamarind or Brindleberry, increases serotonin (the happy hormone) levels. 
2.       Drink lots of water before meal.  You will tend to eat less if you get your fill of water first. Smaller portions means you cut down on the calories.  Besides, water is great as it keeps you hydrated.
3.       Eat your breakfast. Starting the day hungry teaches it to store more fuel for the hours it runs out. That means it stocks up on the fats instead of keeping ready for immediate use.
4.       Walk or take the stairs when you can. Most of the things that are meant to make our lives easier make us heavier.  The elevator, escalator, lawnmower and online shopping to name a few.
5.       Try to be on your feet at work. Desk jobs keep us stationary, try to stand a few minutes when you can and stretch.  You can do some exercises to while you are taking a break.
6.       Smoothies for dessert. No sugar, just fresh fruits and ice. Do check the Glycemic Index of the fruit you use.
7.       Take natural supplements. Supplements like Garcinia Cambogia helps weight loss by blocking the storage of fats.  And it is extracted from a fruit called (you guessed it) garcinia cambogia which is native to India, Africa and in Asia.  The garcinia cambogia fruit has been part of these countries’ native cuisine – it is natural and healthy.

8.       Get involved in something you love.  Sometimes, this is all we need.  A worthwhile endeavor that makes us happy and keeps us from eating or just sitting on the couch watching TV. Instead, join Habitat for humanity, join a feeding program, take dance lessons, study photography… it’s all up to you. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Shed the Extra Pounds with Green Coffee Bean Extract

The extra pounds mean higher risk of contracting health problems.  While there are people who are deemed over-weight or have a higher BMI and yet do not have any form of ailment, studies reveal that the complications arrive as the body ages. Drinking coffee lowers the risk of having heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease; it cannot guarantee 100 % lowered risk.   But keeping or aiming for a healthy weight lowers the risk even more and coffee may still hold the answer, just not in the cup from. 

Green coffee bean is just raw or unroasted coffee and its weight loss wonder lies in the fact that it is not processed through roasting in high temperatures.  Green coffee bean is rich in chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant and the minerals magnesium and chromium along with caffeine of course.

Antioxidants prevent oxidation of other molecules.  Oxidation is not a good thing because it causes free radicals that cause damage to the cells or even its death. Cell death and damage leads to our bodies being unable to function well.  The antioxidants present in green coffee beans help keep our bodies functioning well by slowing down the release of dietary sugar into our blood stream. 

The modern day diet consists of processed food packed with carbohydrates and sugars. And for most modern day people, these are the kind of food that is available to them.  Home cooked meals are more likely to be healthier but for most of us, this is not a luxury we can afford.  Fast food and microwave dinners are usually the norm and it all screams “unhealthy” no matter what the advertisement say.  However, by taking a recommended dose of green coffee bean extract every day, the risk of those harmful amounts of dietary sugars are not absorbed by the body and is just expelled without being processed. There is less sugar (glucose) in the blood and less sugar turned into stored body fat.

Magnesium and Chromium in the green coffee beans further help with the processing of the sugar and insulin functions.  This is great for people with Type 2 diabetes because their insulin functions are impaired.

Caffeine is a great mood booster and usually, people with a happier mindset are less likely to over eat.  Stress brings certain people to crave for fat filled and sugar rich foods.  Caffeine in the system keeps the stress levels in check and keeps the cravings at bay.

Green coffee beans have all the ingredients that help you shed the extra pounds naturally. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Healthy Lifestyle Change with African Mango

The African Mango Supplement is labeled as a miracle pill.  However like all natural supplements in the market, there are mixed reviews.  So who do we listen to? We need to remember that everyone has an opinion on everything, so keeping an open mind and to pay attention to the facts beyond the hype is good start.  Let’s consider the truth that weight loss supplements like the African Mango are being tested and manufactured to address a growing health concern that is plaguing cultures across the globe.
Obesity is a health problem that ultimately leads to numerous complications that affect the heart, the liver, insulin resistance and other fatal diseases.  Fortunately, these complications can be held at bay once obesity is addressed.  And the cure for obesity is a lifestyle change simply because it is a lifestyle disease. This change is difficult because it is basically breaking a bad habit – it is re-educating your body all over again.  Unfortunately, the process is excruciatingly slow and in a generation so used to instant gratification, it becomes a huge problem.
This is why we need natural weight loss supplements that have the potential to boost the results of any weight loss program – and making the lifestyle change a little bit more bearable. Because it speeds up the weight loss process, African Mango supplement is considered one of the best weight loss supplements available in the market. Research shows that it
·         Fights fatigue – great for people who are “drained” at the end of the day but wished to take the time to go the gym
·         Increase energy – once at the gym, it will give you enough strength to go thorugh a workout routine that builds muscles
·          Suppresses appetite – because the appetite of emotional eaters has nothing to do with hunger, it is driven by stress and depression.
·         And boost the fat burning process – because it inhibits the dietary sugars in the body to be converted into stored fats, so you have more fuel to “burn”.

It has the right combination of effects needed by someone who wishes to lose weight.  With all this in mind you can focus more on transitioning into a healthier lifestyle and less on the weight loss results.  But remember that African Mango supplements only gives you the needed boost to kick start into a lifestyle that ensures weight loss and maintain a healthy weight – it is not meant to do all the work.  And for better results, consult your doctor and health and fitness professional.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Supplement for Hectic Moms – Garcinia Cambogia Supplements

Moms have lots of “work hats” that they wear each day and most of the time these hats have a tendency to overlap each other.  This is probably why mothers are known to be great at multi-tasking. Unfortunately, there are Moms whose careers require them to sit on a desk 8 hours a day, sit on her cra while driving home for another hour or two and a few more hours sitting down while tutoring or reading a book or doing the household budget.   Unfortunately, the hectic mental calisthenics does nothing for a person’s physical fitness.
This is why Garcinia Cambogia may be the right supplement for Moms who have trouble keeping their weight down because there is just no time for the physical activity required to stay fit.  Garcinia Cambogia is also great for Moms who are too stressed out that they succumb to emotional eating to relieve the stress and also those who lack the energy for anything else at the end of the day.
Garcinia Cambogia is backed up by clinical trials that say shows how its active ingredient HCA -hydroxycitric acid) is able to block the production of excessive fat by blocking citrate lyase – an enzyme that converts dietary sugars into fats. The supplement also helps in managing stress and thereby preventing emotional eating.  This is because Garcinia Cambogia increases the serotonin levels.  Serotonin is also called the happy hormone, the higher the level the better and happier you feel.  Click here for more information on Garcinia Cambogia. 
Expect favorable after a eating habit change. To bring our weight loss even  further, start  incorporating food that  boost energy in your daily recipe such as eggs, spinach, sweet potato, blueberries and salmon. You’ll need this because when you feel lighter, serious physical exercises or activities will not be too much for you.  And the thought of going to the gym will be quite tempting.
Garcinia Cambogia is a supplement that may help start a chain reaction enables the hectic supermom to achieve a super body without much fuss.  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Serotonin, Weight Loss and Garcinia Cambogia


Presently, health experts have found a few enzymes, hormones and compounds that are associated with being overweight or obese.  It is quite clear that not everyone is the same.  There are people who are of the same age and gender and consume the same amount of calories and yet have different weight or waistline.  It is also clear that genetics play a huge role and so does the psychological health of a person.
For people whose increasing weight problem is associated with emotional eating, Garcinia Cambogia may just be the right supplement to control weight.  Garcinia Cambogia is a supplement that boasts of properties that effectively suppresses appetite.  It is a supplement that is also marketed under the name Brindle Berry.
There are quite a number of individuals who turn to eating in order to cope with stress and depression. And in such cases the kind of food that are consumed are food that are sugary and has high levels of fat such as ice cream, pies, fast food products.  What’s worse is that the amount consumed increases as the level of stress or depression is deepened.  Many health experts believe that this psychological impairment is related to low serotonin production in the brain cells or that serotonin is unable to reach receptor sites, again because there is not enough serotonin.
Garcinia Cambogia is rich in HCA or hydroxycitric acid that helps increase the production of serotonin in the brain, this is based in several studies done on Garcinia Cambogia done through the years.  This increase in serotonin suppresses the need to eat because the individual does not reach stress levels or the state of depression that brings them to a point where they eat the negative emotions away.  As is the usual practice in the medical community, depression or stress is managed by taking medications or anti-depressants that are designed to increase serotonin levels in the brain.  Brindle Berry supplements basically does the same thing, although it is marketed as an all-natural weight loss supplement. 
However, the Brindle Berry weight loss supplement is not meant to replace any pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by doctors.  It is also advised that before taking the supplement or any supplement for that matter, your physician’s advice is very crucial especially for individuals who take regular or maintenance medications for diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol levels as well as those who are pregnant and are lactating.

For more information on the weight loss effects of Brindle Berry and where to purchase them – click here.  For more information on the clinical studies and reviews regarding Garcinia Cambogia – read this article.

Monday, May 20, 2013

African Mango Supplement Scams


Health trends and weight loss fads come up every day as the number of overweight and obese population increase.  This is not surprising since we are presented with high priced healthy organic food and the proliferation of cheap energy packed processed foods which line the shelves at the supermarket. Add the rise of fast food chains in every street corner and it seems we are all doomed to have a butterball figured future.

People clamor for what is fast, easy and done in a jiffy.  That is how they see the weight loss process too and will try anything with fast, easy and “miracle” on the label. So hello scammer’s world! 
But then, not all weight loss diet trends are questionable; in fact some are backed up by research and sound clinical studies.

 There is no doubt that the actual African Mango extract works when it comes to weight management. Read this article or do your own research and look for published studies from medical journals. Yes, there is scientific proof that African Mango works.
 This is also why the African Mango supplement is popular and scammer use the popularity of the health product to get credit card details and solicit a sneaky payment scheme.  We just need to be diligent and be aware of the warning signs!  Here are some of them:

  1. Free African Mango Supplement Samples – Always be cautious when you are offered free sample, especially those who ask for your credit card details.  You may find yourself signed up for a monthly supply without your knowledge.  This does not mean the product is a fake however.

  1. African Mango Supplements offered at an extremely low price – basically the same scheme as the free sample scam, you end up paying for supplements you were not aware you signed up for and at a higher price!

  1. Fake Content – These are usually priced at a lower rate and are usually from China.  It is safer to buy from a US or Australian Manufacturer.  Fake African Mango Supplements are thought to have mango fruit scent, the real one does not smell like anything.

  1. Scammers take advantage of the lack of information about these products and make outrageous claims regarding its potency and possible additional health benefits.  Many companies that are exaggerating its claims, this is why research is important.

All the research should eventually direct you to a trusted brand or supplier. There are normally a handful of trusted suppliers available on the market that has a large amount of loyal customers. This is a good indication that the company is not a scam.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Losing Weight with African Mango Diet

Weight loss supplements have become quite the fad and it is getting difficult to keep track. Nonetheless, only a few prove to be effective. African mango is one of the more popular supplements today and endorsed by the celebrity Dr. Oz. What makes it different from the rest? It is in the research and documentation that was done by the University of Yaoundé that the African Mango does indeed have the elements that are effective for weight loss.

What is an African Mango Diet?

Considering that the diet of the average person is somewhere between 1800 to 2400, the subjects were on a 1800 calorie diet,  The obese individuals who were given African mango did not go in any special diet or exercise neither did the placebo group. After 10 weeks, those that were in the African Mango Diet (1800 calories + African Mango supplement) lost 28 pounds, while the placebo group lost an average of 1 pound. It is clear that to achieve better health and to be in better shape, the African Mango diet is recommended. It is basically with eating the right foods that are healthy for you plus a recommended dose of African Mango Supplements. It is also important to exercise and do physical activities to get the best results.

How to Buy African Mango

The African Mango Supplement is an extract from the seed of the African mango otherwise known as dikka fruit, wild mango or Irvingia Gabonensis. It is important to purchase the African mango supplement with the highest extract content. Always make it a habit to read brand labels to know exactly what you are getting. Stay away from supplements that have vague ingredient lists and uses the term ‘selected blends’.
One of the possible reasons why there are some people who are not seeing positive results with this is because they may be using a low quality supplement or a product that contains fillers which makes it ineffective.

To make the best out of your African Mango weight loss program, here are a few reminders:

·         Make sure you purchase from a reliable supplier, it is best to buy from a local supplier.
·         Check labels and make sure the ingredients are all listed.
·         Be conscious of what you eat.  Just because you are taking a weight loss supplement does not mean you can eat more fatty and sugary food.
·         Exercise.  African Mango Supplements help you lose weight and fight obesity, make sure you do your part too.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Green Coffee Bean Extract


Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the history of modern civilization and whether coffee has negative or positive effect have been the topic of several disputes in the medical community. Even more so today, as a recent clinical trial suggests that green coffee beans have properties that help reduce body fat and boost weight loss.

For years, the medical community agrees that the antioxidant properties of coffee have been shown to prevent free radicals from causing cell damage.  Studies also suggest that coffee even if decaffeinated, exhibits preventive effects against prostate cancer and type 2 diabetes.  And the anti-diabetic effect of coffee beans is attributed to caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid.

Chlorogenic acid happens to be the compound that may be responsible for the weight loss benefit in green coffee beans according to the recent study conducted and was published in January 2012. Interestingly, the chlorogenic acid found in green coffee beans has always been known to be an antioxidant that slows the release of glucose into the blood stream after a meal.  An effect that benefits people who have or is susceptible to type 2 diabetes.

The green coffee bean study involved a group of obese men and women who were given doses of 1,050-mg and 700-mg green coffee extract while some were given placebo, they were then instructed not to change their diet.  After just six weeks, subjects who were taking the green coffee bean extract lost an average of 16 to 17 lbs. each.  This is truly a significant weight loss considering the short length of time they were taking the supplement.  Measurements taken were for body weight, body mass index, and percentage of body fat and in all aspects, and there was significant decrease in all of these aspects for all subjects taking the green coffee extract.

Independent analysis of three clinical trials also conclude that the green coffee bean extract have weight loss effects although weight loss percentages vary.

Green Coffee Bean Supplements has no reported adverse side effects and is manufactured and formulated so that you  get the antioxidants but not too much of the caffeine. Nonetheless, it is still advisable to consult your doctor before taking the supplements especially if you are taking regular medication.

Green Coffee BeanExtract is available online in 800mg capsules and is recommended to be taken twice daily or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Raspberry Ketone – Should We Believe The Hype?

Raspberry Ketone promises an easier way to lose weight but in reality, you get more than that because raspberry ketone makes for an effective weight loss program that lets you be a better and healthier version of yourself.  It is definitely alright to be skeptical and make serious inquiries before you invest your hard earned cash and your emotions on a new idea. And like all ideas, there will be endorsers and oppositions and it will always be up to each individual make a decision who to believe.
As for raspberry ketone, what do we know as proof of its weight loss properties? Who says it works? And who says it does not and goes on to add that it is a complete waste of time? So, let’s weigh in all the facts and hopefully come to a decision.
            Fact 1: Raspberry Ketone is backed by two studies in mice, according to the studies they were promising and recommends further clinical studies.  In both studies, the mice that were given RK supplements   lost weight despite a high-fat daily diet.
            Skeptics say that mice studies are inconclusive because humans may react differently.  The truth is that mice and the human genome is 85% similar.  This is why we use them to test for antibiotics and other crucial life-saving medicines.  If mice studies does not have any value, then we should have skipped that process altogether.
            Fact 2: Raspberry Ketone was endorsed by well-known health and wellness advocate Dr. Oz in his show and was recommended by fitness expert Lisa Lynn.  Dr. Oz, being a medical doctor and has extensive knowledge of the human body.  Lisa Lynn has years of experience and knowledge in the fitness field that allows her to recommend what does and does not work.  Skeptics question the authority of these two well-known and respected people in their fields, but who would you rather believe?
            The truth is that the fact that raspberry ketone is even endorsed and recommended suggests that the raspberry ketone supplement is worth a try.  The theory is sound and it is far better than taking prescription drugs for the treatment of obesity which are known to have side effects that mess up your digestive system and prevents you from enjoying life while you lose weight and may cause liver damage and colon cancer.
            Weight loss is not the main goal, it is to be able to have a chance at a healthy lifestyle. Raspberry Ketone lets you lose significant body fat so that you can feel healthy and strong and BE healthy and strong. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Saffron Supplements – Nutrient Packed supplement for Losing Weight

Saffron Supplements – Nutrient Packed supplement for Losing Weight

Saffron has been a popular and well traded spice for three centuries. It has been used as seasoning, as a fragrance, a fabric and cosmetic dye and as medicinal remedy for certain ailments. Its capacity to help weight loss management has only been recently discovered but it is quite timely.
Saffron is rich in a number of nutrients and while only used in recipes as spice, it adds to the nutritional value of the food being prepared and served.  The following is a list of nutrients and its value per 100 grams of Saffron.
Nutrient                          Nutrient Value                                Percentage of RDA
Energy                               310 Kcal                                                15.5%
Carbohydrates                   65.37 g                                                      50%
Protein                               11.43g                                                       21%
Total Fat                            5.85g                                                        29%
Dietary Fiber                      3.9g                                                         10%
Folates                               93µg                                                        23%
Niacin                                1.46mg                                                      9%
Pyridoxine                          1.010mg                                                  77%
Riboflavin                           0.267mg                                                 20%
Vitamin A                           530 IU                                                   18%
Vitamin C                           80.8mg                                                 135%
Sodium                               148mg                                                   10%
Potassium                           1724mg                                                  37%
Calcium                              111mg                                                    11%
Copper                              .328mg                                                    37%
Iron                                   11.10mg                                                 139%
Magnesium                        264 mg                                                    66%
Manganese                        28.408mg                                            1235%
Phosphorus                        252mg                                                   36%
Selenium                            5.6µg                                                     10%
Zinc                                  1.09 mg                                                  10%
For a spice, saffron sure packs a lot of health benefits.  As for the weight loss benefit in the list, the credit goes to potassium. Potassium helps build muscles in our body, thus making us stronger and more receptive to vigorous activities such as working out or doing normal house chores.  If you are already in a weight loss program that includes exercise, you’ll have more energy and sustainability to complete daily work-outs. Additionally, potassium is a mineral that regulates the sodium in our body.  It is estimated that Australians consume double the amount of sodium recommended daily.

Saffron also contains safranal which is known to have anti-depressant properties according to a study done in 2004. Another study in 2010, saffron extract was also tested on mildly overweight individuals to determine whether it has the capacity to suppress compulsive or stress eating.  The results were significant at 84% decrease in cravings for patients who took them. The placebo group had a decrease of only 54%.
Saffron’s recommended dosage of 88.25mg is enough to keep the appetite at a minimum and cravings for carbohydrate rich foods are kept low.  Saffron  8825 is an Australian made saffron extract that is guaranteed to contain all the benefits of saffron.  Daily dosage increases over-all feeling of wellness, normal appetite and increased energy levels in order to perform activities that promote metabolism (fat-burning activities).

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Forskolin Supplement – Natural Supplement for Weight Loss

Our bodies work like a complex machinery that is meant to function properly if fueled, used and given rest in just the right amounts.  We have seen that tipping the balance to favor either one greatly affects the body as a whole ( in a negative way) and leaving the balance tipped and unchecked for so long makes it difficult to set to right.  Obesity is one such outcome where there is too much fuel and there’s not enough activity to use up the fuel.  Hence, begins the search for healthy and natural ways to balance the scale - the quest for supplements that targets the body’s natural process to burn or use up the fuel without the required level of physical activity.
Forskolin is one such supplement that is clinically tested to enhance the fuel burning process (metabolism) of the body.  Forskolin is an organic compound that affects the levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate or cAMP – a molecule that sends signals to hormones to begin and sustain metabolic processes. The idea is that the stronger the signal, the better our bodies metabolize even without the strenuous physical activity that the body requires.

But why Forskolin Supplements?
Even if most supplements are targeted to increase metabolism, they do so differently and while a supplement works for some, it may not be as effective to another person. As complex as the human bodies are, each one functions and reacts to certain things differently from the other.   Treatments and supplements have different outcomes depending on the individual. Forskolin may very well be one supplement that may work for you.

What You Need To Know
Forskolin is an organic compound found in the roots of a plant found coleus forskohlii.   For centuries, this root is used to treat ailments such as insomnia, stomach aches, lung and heart diseases.  It is only recently that the compound has been found to help lower body fat in as little as eight weeks during a clinical trial. Forskolin is also a known muscle relaxant and is used in anti-stress medications.  It is also known to lower blood pressure and is used as treatment for certain heart conditions.  Because Forskolin affects the body aside from increasing its metabolism, it is advised the prior to taking the supplement to consult with your doctor. For more on Forskolin please read this article.
It is also important to purchase natural Forskolin from reputable distributors and suppliers such as  in order to get the most of what the product can do.